PaMaMi Mirea Premium2Pack
Wool is an exceptional gift of Mother nature for people. Not only does it provide excellent warmth, protecting your head on the coldest days, but it also prevents the skin on your head from sweating or getting too warm. As a result, your chances of surviving the Autumn-Winter season in good health are much higher. And with high comfort at the same time.
Because every occasion is good…
When designing this kind of hats, we wanted them to perfectly complement any kind of stylisation. Thanks to the refined simplicity of shape and uniform pattern, these hats fit harmoniously
in all the occasions you may find yourself in.
Endless source of warmth
It is provided by fleece – a fabric whose thermal insulation properties exceed even wool! Moreover, it allows your skin to breathe freely. So you will be really warm and you won’t sweat.
And what about your ears and sinuses? They will be ecstatic as they will be surrounded by delicate layer of pure warmth.